POCSAG Paging Data Receiver

The RFI-148 OAD is a VHF POCSAG Paging Off-Air-Decoder used for paging message confirmation in large paging systems.

The receiver provides decoded POCSAG messages and performance statistics for the purpose of diagnosing paging network performance. It can also be used to log or forward received messages in rebroadcast applications.


POCSAG Receiver
  • Switching Bandwidth 148 MHz – 174 MHz
  • Capcode and Group Independent decoded POCSAG output
  • Serial and Ethernet Communications Ports
  • Multi-mode LED front panel display for diagnostics, including RSSI meter
  • Adjustable absolute delay correction
  • Forward Error Correction (FEC) for high decode integrity
  • High receive isolation and adjacent channel blocking for RF-noisy environments
  • Windows-based GUI support for configuration and diagnostics
  • Two configurable relay outputs


POCSAG Network

The RFI-148 OAD is a multifunction POCSAG receiver which increases the functionality of paging networks. The unit can decode POCSAG messages off-air and perform a number of user functions from message confirmation, rebroadcast messages, detailed statistics reporting or message translation for third party systems.

The receiver is built on the successful Crescendo series with more than a decade of proven reliable performance in harsh applications.

The receiver is specifically suited for high interference environments with exceptional selectivity and blocking performance.


Switching Bandwidth    The user can select any 6.25kHz or 5kHz raster frequencies with the easy-to-use inbuilt menu or Windows configuration software.
Data Reliability    Superior receiver sensitivity and blocking performace for critical appliations
Customisation    The receiver has a high speed processor which can run customised firmware. So the unit can be changed to operate to specific customer requirements.
Advanced Performance Diagnostics    The receiver can be configured to report the RSSI level and integrity of the decoded message including whether FEC was used to reconstruct bit errors.
Relay Outputs    Two relay outputs can be activated on configurable capcode received, or internal diagnostics.



Operating Voltage: 12V or 24V DC (negative ground)
Operating Current:
- Receive @12.5V 78 mA nominal
Operating Temp: -20 to + 60 deg C
Operating Humidity: Up to 90% non-condensing relative humidity

Serial Data: RS-232 Asynchronous with handshaking
Interface Speed: 110bps to 38400bps software selectable
Error Rate:
-119 dBm for 99% decode (512 bps)
-117 dBm for 99% decode (1200 bps)
-114 dBm for 99% decode (2400 bps)

Antenna: BNC Female (50 Ohm)
Serial: 1 x DB9 RS232 Female
Ethernet: RJ45
I/O: 5 way Terminal, Phoenix Part 1843826
Power: Amphenol MS3102R 10SL-35

FEC: Selectable 0, 1 or 2 bits for sync and messages

Output: 2 x Normally Open and Common terminals
Voltage: 5V output provided

Frequency Range: 148 MHz to 174 MHz
Air Data Rate: 512 to 2400bps (FSK)
Duty Cycle: Up to 100%
Channel Bandwidth: 12.5kHz or 25kHz (model specific)
Sensitivity: Better than -120dBm 12dB SINAD
Spurious Response: > 60 dB
Adjacent Channel: > 60 dB
Blocking: > 77dB
Compliance: Designed to ACA, and FCC
RSSI: -116 dBm to -46dBm within +/- 3dB

Dimensions: 188mm x 102mm x 47mm
Weight: 900g
Construction: Chromate coated aluminium
RFI-148 OAD Product Brochure  Quote Request